I've been invited to participate in a neighborhood garage sale that will be held the middle of July. Therefore, I've been trying to get my "rear in gear" and get things cleaned out.
I've put it off for too long! My sewing studio, which is the entire upstairs of my cape cod home, is not just for sewing right now, because it has become the catch all for all things without a designated area. Grrrr... :(

Anyway, while sweet Ricky was golfing this morning, I made a commitment to get up there and clean out a bit of the area. Well, I did clean out the first cubbyhole at the top of the stairs. The cubbyhole looks terrific, but my sewing area looks even worse!!! I hauled all the stuff out of the cubbyhole, took down a good bit of unwanted items to the basement (garage sale storage area), but there are boxes...probably 4 or 5 that are memory stuff from my daughters' young years. I don't know what to do with it, except to give it to each daughter. However, I need help going through it and I'm going to ask my sweet daughter, Jennifer to help me with it. She can take what is hers and do with it as she will. I'll send off what is not hers to her sweet sister, Kelly. I'll load it in my car and next time I go to her house, I hope she'll look through it and do with it as she wishes. (She's not very sentimental and is not a "keeper" like her mom), so she'll make quick work of it, I'm pretty sure.
I took a break when Rick came home from golfing, had some lunch and spent some time at the computer...hence this post. Think I'll go back upstairs and try to sort out a bit more.