Our dinner included turkey, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, spinach risotto, red cabbage, green bean casserole, home-baked rolls, macaroni and cheese (the grand children's favorite), pumpkin and coconut cream pie. Yep...not very much food!!! LOL!
Our time together was wonderful this year. Unfortunately, daughter Kelly has a shoulder injury and isn't feeling very well. She's a trooper and did as much as she could, but I was really glad to see that she is a smart woman and rests when she needs to. With lots of help in the kitchen, I put together the stuffing and got the turkey into the oven. Group efforts on side dishes made creating a wonderful dinner a cinch.
My family is fantastic. I am so grateful for each and every one of them. I'm thankful for so much. Each day is a treasure, isn't it. We have SO much to thank God for. To think that my sweet husband (who teases so very much!!) and I started our little family so many years ago. It's grown and we have such wonderful children, sons-in-law and grandchildren. Each and every one of those people is so special. Family is a wonderful thing...through everything, you love.
I'm getting a little "sappy", so I'll close this post with this:
Thanksgiving was such a great time! Thanks!