I'm referring to these quilts as "The Three Quilts".
I did a fabulous job on making them, if I do say so myself. They are beautiful, they are custom and they were made by commission.
I have a sad spot in my heart when I think of these quilts. It's a long story, but there were hard feelings when they were let go to their new home.
A woman who worked with my hubby emailed and asked me to make three quilts for her soon-to-be-born triplet grandchildren. Her email stated that she loved my work and would pay whatever I asked.
She wanted them all similar but each different. The boy's quilt should have turtles. The girls' quilts could be whatever zoo animals I wished. I had free reign to make and design them as I saw fit. Just my style...hate taking direction when it comes to creating.
Anyway, when the time came and the quilts were ready, she kind of freaked out about the price. To make a long story short, I got paid for materials only.
Each applique was digitally created (except for 3 giraffes, 3 elephants and 2 turtles. That's 28 appliques, each taking 45 minutes or more to stitch.
To the right is the turtle quilt.
The quilt on the left is the elephant quilt. Lots of time, effort, love and creativity went into each of these.
The back of each quilt is minkie...I love using minkie on baby quilts. It just gives them such a cuddly, warm-fuzzy feeling. (That warm-fuzzy feeling is a phrase I borrowed from my girls' kindergarten teacher.)
Elephant quilt is light pink and mint green.
This last quilt is the giraffe quilt. Different sashings and corner blocks from the elephant quilt.
If you click on the pictures, they get larger and you can see the quilting.
Anyway, "The Three Quilts" were given to the mother-to-be and a thank you message was received by me from the grandma-to-be on Facebook.
That's the end of the story, but I've learned a very bitter and hard lesson. I will never, NEVER make another quilt for someone without giving an estimate and a down payment.