My father has been gone since January 1, 1966. I had just turned 16 years old two days before his death. I didn't know he was ill...Mama never told us kids (me the youngest) how ill Daddy was. He had a heart attack (his first) while driving the car. He and Mama had been on vacation and were almost home. Mama kept her senses and brought the car safely to a stop but Daddy never made it home. Enough about that part.
Daddy was a kind man. Probably one of the most kind-hearted men I have ever known with the exception of my husband, Rick. Daddy was honest, hard working and as I said, kind. He taught all of us kids right from wrong, how to be tactful, how to do many things. I remember a lot about my dad...more than my older sister and brother, which is surprising to me as they had more years with him.
I remember him planting the tiny oak sapling in our yard. We would water that tree every night -- I would be right beside him, helping. That giant oak is still in my yard, giving home to squirrels and birds and supplying our home with wonderful shade and plenty of acorns! He taught me - his tomboy - how to use the jigsaw and make puzzles. He taught me how to splice electrical cords, how to whittle, how to garden and how to look at people without judging. He also taught me how to apologize when necessary.
Daddy ate "funny" things sometimes. He liked pickled pigs feet. They looked horrible to me, so of course I've never tasted them. He also ate crushed saltine crackers with coffee on them. Funny how people like different things!
I'm lucky that I had my dad for 15 years. I wish I had him in my life for a longer time, but I'm grateful for the years he was on earth. Daddy loved Mama and all of us kids.
Happy Fathers' Day!