For such a short number of days, this was a ... l-o-n-g ... month. We've had MUCH snow and lots of gray skies. I love snow, I really do, but these gray days have kept away the beautiful sunshine that makes snow even more wonderful.
This month is a special one for me...this year brought my 41st anniversary with Rick. Shortly after that was the romantic Valentine's Day.
Friday was a snow day, thankfully. Work has been gloomy (I swear I deal with lots of less-than-with-it folks). We had a late start for teacher in service...now I wonder whose (brilliant?) idea that was? What a mess! Hopefully those with the power have learned that this is NOT a good idea!!
My friend Martha emailed those of us who get together to quilt and talk quilting a "Happy Sew Day" message. She was right! I used that snow day as a SEW day and I loved it! Here's what was created on that wonderful Sew Day, February 26, 2010.

This was fun and it will be given as a gift to someone I love a lot.
PS...yes, Lily had to be part of the photo shoot...such a stinker!!