This is spring break from work and I've been so busy.
On Monday I went to Jennifer's to make curtains for soon-to-be-big-sister Hadley's new room. Unfortunately my brain turned sideways in my head and instead of making curtains that were 65 inches wide and 45 inches long, they were 45 inches wide and 65 inches long. DUH! Now that seems like you might be able to make it work, but NO! I put this cute bottom border of black and white check fabric with a red with white polka dot piping. I was SUCH a dork! Oh well, I am making it right by making two more panels and all will be right in the world.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but I think 4 wrongs do!! Hahaha!!!
Monday night I drove to Kelly and Scott's and spent Tuesday with them. I had a wonderful time...the kids are so sweet. I left there about 5 am with horrible leg cramps and drove home.
I went to JoAnn's and purchased enough fabric for two more panels (curtains) and I'll make those probably on Friday when Ricky goes golfing.
No pictures in this post either...I've got to get my camera out of the closet and get "clicking"!
Going to WI at WW...hopefully will be another good week.