Busy weekend for Rick and me.

It started on Friday night...Hadley had a T-ball game. Poor thing has been fighting strep throat and a respiratory infection, so she only was up to bat once and that was all she could handle.

Treva was feeling fine, so she was running and playing and being silly
with Papa! It was cold and windy at the ball park, but it didn't bother
Miss T at all!!
We headed to Pittsburgh Saturday morning. Nathan and Anna had a T-ball game and we were off to the ball park to watch them play. Rain came and went and they did a fine job on the field.
Nathan likes to pose!
Anna likes to give you her sweet smile. She got
the game ball! (She caught a ball in the chin...but she was tough and didn't even cry!)

Evelyn...having a good time at Guinness's birthday party.
Vivian gave Mimi a smile...not always willing to have her photo captured!
Guinness was the star of the day. Our brown granddog is 13 years old. He's a great dog.

I made him a neckerchief with his initial to celebrate his birthday. He was a good sport and wore it all day.

Sophie had fun at the doggy party. She (and some friends) found a mud puddle to do a little wrestling, then went to the black mulch around the swing set. This is how she looked before we rinsed her well and brought her home!
Needless to say, we were tired when we arrived home Saturday evening...Sophie was tired too!