This morning Rick has gone golfing and I am puttering about the house, just planning what I want and what I need to do today. After checking on the peaches I bought yesterday, not quite ready for eating yet, I spied my espresso maker and decided I'd like to have a tall frozen mocha cappuccino!
The idea reminded me that I hadn't posted any pictures of my "mug rugs" that I have recently made. I joined a mug rug swap over on Flickr and my partner is getting two of these, but this first one is going to be mine. A couple of reasons why I'm keeping this one...first of all, I love it! Secondly, it's a tad larger than the maximum 8 x 10 inches that is stipulated in the rules of the swap. So..."Give me a coffee and no one gets hurt" will stay here with me!
This last one is also going to my partner. I bought a half-hexagon template and this is an idea I have for a quilt I plan to make in the not-too-distant future. It's peach and turquoise and white-on-white fabrics. I think she will like this one, even if it's not too "exciting
Now, I think I'm off to get "dolled up" for my day!