Thursday, March 1, 2018

Wrinkles...even in my eye!!

Late yesterday afternoon, I had an appointment with the ophthalmologist.  After having my cataract surgeries late last year I was having difficulty with my sight in the right eye.  The doctor said that I was in the small percentage that develops a "wrinkle/crinkle" behind the lens.  Woo hoo!  Lucky me!

He was going to laser it, but then one has to comply with the Medicare guidelines.  I had to wait an appropriate amount of time, my vision had to be compromised by a certain amount and I had to be crabbing about it.  Well, I met all the criteria!!  I have been complaining about the sight in my right eye for a long time!  Not to the doctor, however; but to Rick.  Poor Rick!

After going through the entire song and dance of my examination, the doctor did have time in his schedule to laser my eye.  27 "zaps" with the laser and my vision is MUCH better!

Evidently my left eye is going to get "wrinkled" behind the lens, too.  The doc can see it beginning, so at some point, that will have to have laser surgery, too.  Getting old isn't for the faint of heart!!

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