Hi, Helen here. I'm known to at least six as Mimi. I create all kinds of things for all kinds of folks. I've worked in many creative venues...from doll clothes, leather clothing, bridal gowns and dresses, quilts, baby items to alterations and repairs and even some upholstery. If you would like, feel free to contact me at my email address. Please leave a comment, I'd love to know you've been here.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tis the season...
Yesterday Rick and I loaded up the car and I drove all our Christmas presents to Pittsburgh for our visit with family. This year we are all meeting at Kelly and Scott's home for our holiday. Rick and I will be going down early and Jennifer, Todd and Hadley will be joining us on Christmas day.
Evelyn came back to Ohio with me to spend a few days with Mimi and Papa. Tonight she went to a Christmas party with Nona, Todd and Hadley. Santa gave her an early present at the party! Both Evelyn and Hadley were all dressed in their pretty Christmas dresses and were beautiful!
Rick and I went to dinner while the kids went to the party. We had a nice dinner at Rockne's and picked up my medicine at Giant Eagle. Tomorrow is my surgery to remove my cyst on my finger. I'm not too worried, but then again...
I'm going to Gary Pennington for my surgery. He's a plastic hand surgeon at the Crystal Clinic. I've heard wonderful things about him and have a lot of faith in him. I need to be at the surgery center at 11:30 and as of this time, surgery is scheduled for 1:30. It could be earlier, but that remains to be seen.
I'm not expecting to be very incapacitated by this surgery. I'll have a splint to keep it from bending, so I think the pain should be minimal. (At least I hope so!)
I've not done too much sewing for a while, so there's not much to talk about that way.
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 3, 2009
I have to share this with you

Monday, November 23, 2009
An early Thanksgiving gift

We (me especially) had a great afternoon at work today! Down the road from our school, a new bridge is being built. Construction workers broke a water main and school was dismissed early!!! WOO HOO! Talk about a Thanksgiving gift!
Today is the only day we had school this week. Needless to say, attendance sucked! I had so many phone calls, notes, parents coming in, kids calling themselves off, kids calling their friends off and all kinds of craziness that I didn't know if I was up or down, coming or going, whatever!!
The students were sent home at 1:00, leaving me to finish my day without all the craziness and interruptions of this kind of day.
We (staff) have the option of taking Tuesday and Wednesday off. We could take compensatory time if we had it or we could work extra hours and take those off as we wanted. Now I'm a little strapped for sick leave (due to family issues, etc. over the years) and don't want to take my comp time in the event I need it later on in the year. Therefore, I was planning to work 4 extra hours so I could take off half a day on Wednesday. Since school let out early, my extra hours were made up before the day got late. Hurray!
Thank you construction workers, you made my day!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My guy is home!
The surgery went well, he's home and recuperating nicely. I want to share my good news with the world.
Dear Father in heaven, thank You so much for seeing to it that Rick was so well cared for. My human instincts lead me to worry, but I know You are in charge. I praise You for all you have done to bless my life, and the lives of my family members. Please continue to lay Your hands upon each of us and bring us health, well being and draw us closer to You. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Traveling between home and the hospital
At this time the surgery time is not scheduled. We will wait to hear that later today.
I came home to do some laundry, rake some leaves and put in a batch of banana muffins so that I'll have a healthy snack while I'm at the hospital tomorrow. I haven't gone to the restaurant/cafeteria there as yet, but maybe tomorrow I'll have to since I'll be there most of the day.
Rick is resting comfortably with the exception that every time he gets to sleep, someone comes in to take his "vitals" or give him a pill or check to see if he's gone to the bathroom! Ah, the joys of hospital stays!

Saturday, November 7, 2009
No raking leaves THIS weekend...
He was up ALL night with what he thought was heartburn, but no...it's a blocked duct of his gall bladder. Poor boy was in lots of pain and after almost begging him, he allowed me take him to the hospital about 4 a.m.
He was given morphine; some ultra sounds and xrays were done. The verdict is his gall bladder is inflamed and he's developing an infection. Today they are giving him IV antibiotics. Tomorrow Dr. Uhall will evaluate him and clear him for surgery.
When I left him he was going to sleep. I'm home to pick up his pillow, his shaving kit, some nicotine gum and Lifesavers. He's on clear liquids, but was okayed to have the lifesavers and Sunny D.
More later.

Friday, October 30, 2009
Feeling better, finally
Rick is supposed to bring home a box from work that I'm going to wrap to pack the food into. I'll deliver it to their house later this afternoon. I just emailed her and they are at the hospital for treatments today, so I guess they eat around 4:30 or so. I hate to have her reheat it, so I'll probably deliver it around that time. That way all they will have to do is heat the rolls and that's optional.
After that I'm going to go to Jennifer's house and visit them. She has things for me to take to Kelly's house for Vivian. We are taking Guinness home tomorrow. It's good and it's sad, too. He's been good for Gracie, but it's not his home. I know Lily will miss him, she loves to torture!! I'm sure he will be excited to see his mama and dada, too. He's a good boy. Talking to Kelly today, she said the neighbors are missing him. :)
The plumbers were here this morning for drain maintenance and they left me a mess. I got it cleaned up, but now I have to finish getting me ready for the day.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009
Busy, crazy and sweet, all in one week!
Monday was a regular work day.
Tuesday and Wednesday was a visit to PA to help with the children at Kelly's house. Everyone there is so sweet...Evie had school, but she was there in the morning and right after school. She's a dear. Anna and Nathan...what sweet kiddies. Little Vivian is so darling. She's a calm baby and very sweet already.
Thursday and Friday was back to work and what a day it was today. It's been Spirit Week and the kids (and staff) were spirited, to say the least. Today was just over the top busy. Thankfully it's over and I'm off all next week
I've not done any sewing, but I did get some time in to straighten up the sewing heaven and make some baby hats. They are so darling and they are becoming my charity project for this year. Blankets and matching hats to go to Children's Hospital.
Tomorrow is homecoming at Kent State, so we'll go to the parade in the morning. It's always fun to see the fraternities and sororities on their floats.
Sorry no pics today...just too much to get done.

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!
Vivian Kelly has arrived!

This morning at 12:47, Thursday, October 1, 2009, our newest grandchild, Miss Vivian Kelly, has made her appearance.
She is 6 pounds and 6 ounces. She is presently cuddling in her mama's arms. Congratulations Kelly, Scott, Evie, Anna and Nathan.
I'll be seeing her when dawn breaks. Mimi is on cloud nine, by the way!!
God is SO great!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Maybe we'll have a grandchild on 9/30 or 10/1!! Woo hoo!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monumental week filled with blessings

Sunday, September 20, 2009
In the Good ol' Summertime quilt
Mine goes to ____ and she lives in _____, USA. I sure hope _______ likes this, it was fun to make and I'm pleased with it. I'd been wanting to do some raw-edge applique and that's what the flowers are. They frayed great when brushed with a semi-stiff brush, washed, dried and brushed again. They were fun.
I think you can click on the picture to

I hope that ____ likes the back of this quilt, too!
My label at the bottom

Oops! I guess this is for Kim. I can't wait till she gets it!!

Back to Ohio, No baby yet!
On Saturday Evelyn had cheerleading for pee wee football. The cheerleaders and the football team are all first graders. They are all adorable! Cheerleaders were so cute, such darling little girls! In this picture, Evie is on the top of the "heap"!

This photo is Kelly, Nathan with his juice and Scott.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Baby update and new car news
She's on bedrest now and is officially on leave from her job. She's still having some contractions, but until things progress, well...you know.
I came home about 5:00 and Rick was ready for me to go with him to the car dealer. We have been trying to buy a new car since July. We wanted a 2010 Chevrolet Equinox with some extras. Those cars are a hot commodity! They are selling as soon as they get to a car dealership and we weren't the one who got there first. We tried to get one during the Cash for Clunkers program, but the cars weren't available.
We lucked out tonight and the dealership was wonderful to work with. It's ours! It's Cardinal Red, it's got all the bells and whistles I wanted, plus a couple more.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
New baby?
Kelly is 34 weeks pregnant and the baby is eager to come into the world. I'm on my way to Pennsylvania to watch children so she and Scott can do what's necessary without worrying about the other 3 kids.
Kelly's at the hospital and they have given her a steroid shot (to help the baby). They are hoping to hold off the birth until Sunday.
I pray that Mama and baby are doing ok.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Goals, productivity and blessings...

The picture on the left is my entire family. We are outside the church just before the twins are to be baptized. Picture in the middle is Evie in her outfit. The picture to the right is (from left to right) Nathan, Evie, Anna and Hadley...all dressed in their coordinated outfits from Mimi.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
This & that + a little
Secondly, the outfits are done. I was making outfits for the twins' birthday. Things didn't work out well and they didn't get done. Let me sum it up by saying NOTHING went well in this endeavor. They ARE done and they are really CUTE, so all is well.
I'll take some pictures of them tomorrow and post, but for tonight I'm going to pass.
We're going to Pittsburgh this weekend, too, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the "bugs" stay away from me! I don't wanna get sick anymore.
And on a really happy note...HAPPY 8th ANNIVERSARY, KELLY AND SCOTT!\

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Happy birthday, my darlings!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
40 weeks to go!