Saturday, April 4, 2020

Dear Lord, hear my prayers

My dear husband is in the hospital.  He woke up about 12:30 AM and couldn't hardly breathe.  He was having pain from his chest, up to his shoulder and down his back. I called 911 and the paramedics came.  They did a scan of his heart and he was not having a heart attack.  That eased my mind a LITTLE.

The paramedics left after checking him out well and we went into the living room to settle down into our recliners, thinking that position might offer him some relief.  It didn't.  I talked him into going to the hospital, despite the fact that ALL our hospitals have some patients who tested positive for COVID-19.  While talking to the ER person, he said that even though they had some COVID-19 cases, we really needed him to be seen.  So we (reluctantly) went to the ER in the best hospital in our area.

One test lead to more...and more...and more.  Bloodwork showed a high white cell count...infection somewhere.   He was swabbed for the coronavirus(es).  A cat scan showed a mass.  My heart sank. 

I was not supposed to be allowed in the hospital.  When we got there, the staff asked me to go to my car and wait to hear from them via my cell phone.  They gave me the number so I could call them.  In about 10 minutes the young man came to my car and asked me to come in the hospital.  I had my temperature checked, no fever.  I went to his ER room.  A classmate of Jennifer (younger daughter) was our ER nurse.

He was in so much pain.  They gave him morphine.  They had him hooked to oxygen and monitors.  About 8:45 AM they took him to a room on floor 2 -- the floor for covid patients.

I called a few times.  I took his iPad to the hospital along with a card from me, his charging cable and block plug.  I also sent along 4 pieces (with butter) of homemade banana bread.  I went to the ER (the only door open to the hospital) and instructed the package be delivered.  It was!

They changed his medications late in the day.  His COVID-19 test came back NEGATIVE!  Hallelujah!  They moved him off the COVID floor to the 3rd floor.  Tomorrow they are going to do a needle (aspiration?) and he is going to call me after that.

I will deliver his eye drops to the hospital tomorrow.  The nurse said to do the same thing as I did with the banana bread package.

We have quite a road ahead of us, but at least we got on the road.  

God, walk with me and hold me tight.  I need you by my side.


1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness, what a scare. And I know it is very difficult for you not to be able to sit with him in the hospital. I pray he recovers quickly and can return home safely.


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