This event happened on Sunday night. Thought I'd blog about it so I can remember that even though I'm very experienced and usually know what I'm doing, that's not always true!
I'm working on a project for some of the grand kids. Not going to say what it was now, cause if my daughters read this entry there is a chance the kids might see the post.
Anyway, I went upstairs to sew. As always, Rick says as I'm heading up the stairs, "Be careful, honey" and I respond "I will, thanks honey. Love you" and I go upstairs. I had part of my project done and as I started working on those pieces, I was unhappy with them. I decided that chucking that part of the item would be the best option. Ok...not a big deal, I just put those pieces in the trash and went about re-creating them.
I was doing appliques. I was adhering Wonder Under to several pieces of fabric and several times I didn't adhere the Wonder Under to a large-enough piece of fabric. SIGH. Oh well, keep "plugging away, Helen"!
Then...yep, I did IT. I adhered a piece of Wonder Under to my ironing board cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, no!! I worked to get it off while it was still slightly warm and pliable. Got some of it off, but a lot remains. Now, I'm really annoyed with myself. I swallow my annoyance and trudge one. (I'm
working on a large gold lame star.) I try it again and yep, I've got it this time. BIG HAPPY FACE!
I cut out my star (I'm so pleased with myself) and go to layer it with my other part. OH MY GOSH, it's perfect EXCEPT one point is ON THE SELVEGE!!!! How on earth can I be so dense? Really! I've been sewing for over 60 years! Ok, now I'm
pissed mildly angry/defeated/annoyed/etc. That's it! I toss my beautiful gold star into a pile of scraps that might be used for future projects and turn everything off and go downstairs.
I truly thought about my debacle like this...It was a horrible night to sew. I got absolutely nothing accomplished, but all in all, the world remains the same. I came downstairs because I truly felt it was time to stop before I did something that would result in injury to me.
Monday morning, I got up and had my coffee. When I headed upstairs to work on said project, all went well!! A clear head is such a blessing.
However, there was a glitch on Monday, too. I was pinning my project for the next segment and my pincushion fell behind my ironing board. As I went to retrieve it, I see my small Rowenta iron was on the floor. I have no idea when it fell to the floor (it is plugged in) but there was a "scorch" on the linoleum and it was very hot. I unplugged the iron, got a paper towel and folded it so it was very thick and drenched it in water. I put that on the floor to cool it so I did"n't set the house on fire. I looked my iron over and it is broken. However, when it fell and broke, I believe it overheated and it took over 30 minutes to cool. I will throw it away today so I don't risk forgetting it's broken.
All in all, it was a topsy-turvy time. All turned out ok, but it's worth writing about.
Creation can be a messy, frustrating and rewarding experience!!
"Love yourself, it's one of the most important things you can do"