Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday, 4/28

Well, here it is Sunday!  I got up early, couldn't sleep any longer and what did I do with my morning?  NOTHING!  N.O.T.H.I.N.G.!!  I sat on my butt and played computer games, read silly things on Facebook and drank tea and coffee!  What a waste of time!  Oh, well, it's over and done.

I finally got cleaned up and dressed.  I worked on the Red, White and Hexies quilt and saw a HUGE flaw in the way I laid it out and sewed it and basted it to the batting!  Ohmygosh!!  I feel like banging my head against the wall!!  Bang, Bang, Bang!!!

Do you see any hexagons?  When I was carefully and I mean carefully laying this out on my floor last year, painstakingly labeling each and every piece, I thought I was making a hexagon quilt.  Oh, well!  That's life of a creative genius!!  Hahaha!!  I feel like a mad scientist who had her beautiful experiment go totally SNAFU!

This quilt will be loved.  It will be finished and washed with care and used as a tablecloth (at least that was the original idea).  I will remember that this wasn't the original thought when it was being created, but it is what it is.  It's like giving think you know what you are doing, but the life of your creation takes off and becomes different than you might have originally thought.

I am starting the Keto diet tomorrow.  I've been watching YouTube videos, I have a book and I'm enrolled in Keto groups on Facebook.  I went to the store today and bought fat.  Yep!  I bought heavy whipping cream for my coffee, I bought KerryGold (Irish) butter, coconut oil, olive oil and LARD!!!  I sure hope I can cut my addiction to sugar.  This way of eating is supposed to get rid of the inflammation in your body.  I'm hoping that besides losing weight, my arthritis pain will subside and I'll feel better.

It's time for me to relax and stop being on a "device".  Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite (words we always said every night when we were children).

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