Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Well, I forgot to post yesterday's post yesterday!  So, I have two posts today...what a dodo I can be!

Nothing earth shattering happening here, but a few things did happen today.

I puttered around in the sewing room today.  Straightened up a few things while looking for some finished projects I had stowed away.  I found a mostly-finished wall hanging about random acts of kindness...I finished that up and it will be my pay it forward gift for Kathleen Ross.

I planned out some bibs to make for Ashleigh's baby.  I have a pattern and made some decisions on what to make and what I need to make them.  I DID complete two burp cloths and 2 bibs, but the bibs need either buttons and buttonholes or snaps to complete them.

Laura Chegas, someone I know (very distantly) put a post on Facebook asking if anyone had an old sewing machine they wanted to get rid of.  She's buying a new machine and they will take a trade in, whether it's in working condition or not.  I have an old Janome that doesn't sew well...I've been waiting to figure out something to do with it, so I have offered it to her.  She is coming to pick it up tomorrow during her lunch hour tomorrow.

Kelly, Jennifer and I have been texting about our girls' trip to Florida.  It's all coming together and it looks like it's going to be fun.  We sometimes don't get along when we are all together.  I'm guilty of just saying "I don't care what we do, whatever you want is fine".  I need to be more vocal and express my desires.  Kelly and Jennifer both have strong personalities and are very different.  I love them both so much!  I'm so excited to go to Florida/Epcot/wherever else in Florida we go!!

Pictures tomorrow on the items I completed.

G'night from H

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