Monday, March 9, 2020

Here it is again -- Monday!

Boy, it's good to be retired, Mondays don't bring as much angst as they used to bring!

I froze the pork chops I bought at Aldi last week, we were going to have them for dinner yesterday, but we did so much shopping and running of errands that we got Galley Boys from Swenson's for dinner.  I blew my low carb plan for the Galley Boy, but you have got to "let loose" now and again.  So, I added an order of onion rings, too!!  LOL

I need to cook the ground chicken that I bought at Aldi's, too.  It froze in the freezer, but I will let it thaw and then cook it to have it ready to easily and quickly make Egg Roll In A Bowl later this week.  Always good to have that ready to eat, it's one of my most-favorite things.

Our freezer is as full as it can be.  I have packed it with foods that we like and we won't have to go to the store for groceries (except perishables) for a very long time.  I even made EXTRA sure the door will stay closed (it wasn't in danger of opening, but you can't be too careful) and put a piece of duct tape.

Today is pickleball and Cris is coming to pick me up about noon.  I'm still sitting here in my nightie and robe (9:30 a.m.), but I'll hit the shower in a couple of minutes.  Dinner tonight is at Applebee's with Cris, Jerry and Butch.  I see a bacon cheeseburger with no bun in my future, along with some broccoli!

We purchased a propane firepit for the deck.  Hopefully Rick will assemble it today (while I'm at pickleball).  I don't like assembling things, but he thinks there won't be a lot to do it.

I would like to sew on my block for the Moda Blockheads 3 today, but I think that's way too ambitious for the way my day ahead is scheduled.  Tomorrow perhaps, though I believe we are planning to do taxes tomorrow.


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