Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I'm gonna need a nap!

I was up this morning at 4:45 AM.  The woman who gets up between 7:45 and 8:15 daily was up and out the door at 5:10 AM to go to the grocery store for "senior shopping".  Giant Eagle told me I could come in anytime after 5 AM...if they see someone (of senior age), they can come in and shop.  When I pulled in and parked, an employee (outside having a cigarette) yelled at me and said they didn't open till 6 AM.  I shouted back that I called and was told I could.

I went in, went to the bakery and got some cupcakes to have on Friday when we FaceTime with the Plank family for Hadley's 12th birthday, and a package of hamburger.  I was glad to get both items.  The meat case had only about 10 packages of hamburger--if I hadn't been able to get in during the senior hours, there would have been none.  Most of our stores have very little meat.

Then I bee lined to Walmart.  I was there before 6:00AM.  They have "senior shopping" hour on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 AM.  I was in and out of there, buying everything I thought we would need for a LONG time.  I was home before 7.  I brought all the purchases to the porch, brought in all the cold/frozen foods immediately and wiped everything off with bleach water, then put away.  I then went to the basement, stripped off my clothes and put them in the washer.  Wiped off my shoes with a Clorox wipe, put my glasses and hair clip in the sink with some hot water and dish soap, then hopped in the shower and scrubbed any germs off of me.

I got all the groceries wiped down that hadn't been done and put them away.  I wiped out the grocery bags with my bleach water.  I left the gallon of distilled water, diet root beer and some fizzy water on the deck to kill off any germs, etc.  We'll put those things away a little later.

I bought donuts on the way home at Dunkin' and we had a cup of coffee and a donut for breakfast.

It's now 8:40AM and I'm going to relax in my chair for a while.  Hopefully a little later we will put up our Christmas lights to bring a little cheer to the neighborhood.  I also need to put a teddy bear in one of our windows...our neighbors are doing a "bear hunt"!!

It's now 5:15PM and here's how the rest of the day has gone.

First of all, I did get a nap.  I went to bed and slept for about 75 minutes of uninterrupted sleep.  I dreamed about my mama.  It wasn't a good dream; we went to a store.  I had forgotten something in the car so I left her at the store and went to the car.  However, I couldn't find my car.  I was gone for a terribly long time.  Then my dream went another way...I went to my older daughter's home (not where she really lives, though) and it was chaos.  She had someone who looked like her sister-in-law living there.  There was a man who came and went...and kids, so many kids running around.  When I woke I was a little frantic.  I don't like dreams where things are disjointed and unsettling.
It's not a sunny day here.  The temperature is in the low 40's, so it's not a particularly nice day.  We did get out and go for a walk with Sophie.  It was kind of cool and my scarf for my neck is still drying, so I was chilly.

We didn't put up the Christmas lights.  We are hoping to do it tomorrow.

Tonight we are going to get takeout chicken wings.

I'm kind of down about this Covid-19 pandemic.  I'm scared and today I'm not doing extremely well handling it all.


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